Young offenders
Support for young offenders has been developed in recognition of the difficulty that many young people involved in the criminal justice system have in accessing accommodation and their high risk of homelessness. This, in turn, increases the likelihood of them re-offending. It is widely accepted and understood that having suitable accommodation is fundamental to the successful rehabilitation of offenders of all ages.
Young people are at higher risk of reoffending than any other age group. More than two-thirds of under -18s released from custody are reconvicted within a year. Reoffending data across all offences and disposal types (including custodial and non-custodial sentences) indicate 37.5% of 15-17-year-olds, 29% of 18-20s and 26% of 21-24s go on to re-offend.
We offer young offenders:
• a safe place to sleep, from the day of release
• access to enough money to meet basic needs including food, clothing, and transport
• a sense of hope for the future
• active links into services that can assist them with other needs, for example substance misuse and mental health services.