About Us
Optionz is a West Midlands Sub-Regional Supported Accommodation Framework approved provider of accommodation and support offering fully furnished accommodation and support to 16-18 year olds who are leaving care or are at risk of being homeless. The provision assists young people in making the transition from care to independence in a planned and supportive way.
Whilst living at Optionz it is important that young people are supported in securing training or education placements that will considerably improve their chances of success and at the same time are encouraged to maintain and cultivate positive relationships and friendships to ensure they have a network of support when they move on.
On admittance all young people will be assessed and monitored to determine level of need and support required and then given an individual programme where they will be expected to successfully complete a number of targets during the time they are with us.
A key worker is allocated to assist with this process. It is hoped that by the end of their placement at Optionz, residents will be able to make responsible decisions and live successfully in the community with minimum support.
Core Values
Optionz strive to provide a quality service for our young people in an environment where diversity is celebrated and all young people are encouraged to reach their full potential irrespective of their background, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, intellectual/physical ability, religion or age.
We provide an environment that is both safe and empowering, an environment where these young people can acquire the range of necessary skills and knowledge that will enable them to have the confidence to successfully live independently in the community.
Quality Assurance
Optionz strive to provide a quality service for our young people in an environment where diversity is celebrated and all young people are encouraged to reach their full potential irrespective of their background, race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, intellectual/physical ability, religion or age.
We provide an environment that is both safe and empowering, an environment where these young people can acquire the range of necessary skills and knowledge that will enable them to have the confidence to successfully live independently in the community.
The service receives very high levels of outcome delivery approvals over a prolonged period from social workers during individual case reviews
Meet the team
The staff team at Optionz have a range of skills, qualifications and experience in working with young people from different backgrounds. CRB checks and other strenuous steps are taken to ensure that young people are not at risk.
We also have direct access to a variety of external specialists and consultants to provide additional support and advice which includes a qualified teacher, legal adviser and a number of social workers.
Helping vulnerable young people who are homeless
Our Services

asylum seekers
We can accommodate and support Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and support them to settle into British Societyat a pace they are comfortable with....

Young people can stay in emergency beds from one night to three months. During this time, young people are offered guidance and support that enables them to move...

Care Leavers
Our leaving care services support the transition to independence to ensure care leavers have the same opportunities as other young people and to prevent ...

Young offenders
Support for young offenders has been developed in recognition of the difficulty that many young people involved in the criminal justice system have in....

When a placement breakdown arises it leaves the Local Authority in a position where they need to locate a new supported living placement within a very short timescale

We also provide weekend respite beds which provide all the services identified above.