Optionz Supported Housing

16+ Supported Accommodation

On admittance all young people will be assessed and monitored to determine level of need and support required and then given an individual programme where they will be expected to successfully complete a number of targets during the time they are with us.

A key worker is allocated to assist with this process. It is hoped that by the end of their placement at Optionz, residents will be able to make responsible decisions and live successfully in the community with minimum support.

Target outcomes will include:

  • Possessing essential skills in household management, maintenance and budgeting
  • Ability to maintain good health and care for skin, teeth, hair, clothes. This also includes sexual health
  • Ability to prepare nutritional meals and have an understanding of basic food hygiene
  • Secure a placement in further education, training or employment and have completed a curriculum vitae
  • Be confident in using public transport independently
  • Ability to use telephone, budget, write letters, use computer to access community resources/college place/employment
  • Ability to complete various forms
    Have an awareness of all health and safety issues within the home
  • Ability to stay safe and take necessary precautions to reduce risk of harm when out of the home
  • Have basic knowledge of their legal rights relating to consumer, landlord/tenant, police powers employment law.

We specialise in providing category 5 placements. This consists of
a member of staff being within the placement 24/7. Within the placement, skills that will help the young person beyond their time at Optionz shall be practiced. This includes exercises in shopping, budgeting, basic mathematics, cooking a meal, letter writing, word processing, using the telephone to access resources, basic legal rights etc, On occasions social activities will be arranged such as going to the cinema, bowling, ice skating. Organised art and craft sessions within the home are also a popular choice amongst residents.

These sessions will also enable the allocated key worker to discuss sensitive issues or tackle difficult aspects of the young person’s life for example sexual health, anger management and cultural identity.

We focus on keeping our young people positively occupied and invest in many different activities that can prevent the YP from engaging in otherwise miscellaneous activities. We present our young people with a range of activities to give them life skills or to develop meaningful hobbies.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Boxing
  • Swimming
  • Gym
  • Badminton
  • Finance lessons
  • Drone lessons
  • Guitar Lessons
  • Tutoring
  • Beauty Experiences/ lessons
  • Cinema
  • Driving lessons

We offer these services at discounted prices and also take into account the YP’s personal interests and do our best to find them an activity that will cater to their preferences or enhance their developing skills.

On referral we would expect a comprehensive record of the young person’s health including any special needs or disability. History of psychiatric and psychological illness, allergies and dietary needs should also be provided.

All young people are supported in registering with a local GP, dentist, and optician within the first two weeks of arriving.
At Optionz we actively promote the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and residents are supported in developing routines and practices that will promote healthy living and good personal hygiene.

Residents have access to information through publications on site on such issues as alcohol, drugs substance abuse and HIV/AIDS. Helpline numbers are also displayed and there is access to external agencies.

We can help nurture your most vulnerable pupils to better outcomes

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