Optionz Supported Housing


We operate and provide a service that is exceptional and distinctive, with staff going out of their way to meet personal preferences and individual outcomes.
We strive in our work to provide the best care and support we can for our young people, with a close and intimate staff team who never cease to go above and beyond for our young people.

We maintain a small staff team in order to allow our young people to become comfortable within their home and see familiar faces each day to help adopt a family setting within the placement for the betterment of the young person and their wellbeing.
We have undertaken previous quality assurance checks from Wolverhampton City council and welcome any more in order further hone and refine our work.
All business operations are governed around the core values stipulated in Wolverhampton City Council plan.

  • As a provider we have policies and procedures in place regarding dignity and privacy which staff have read and signed to state they understand
  • Staff induction training records.
  • Young peoples communication needs are properly & thoroughly identified & recorded
  • Young peoples communication needs and the way these are to be met are highly visible whenever their records are accessed
  • Care plans are individually tailored, person centred and includes appropriate information on the Young peoples preferences and views and clearly evidence that they were involved in the decisions about how their care and support is to be delivered. Robust induction process is in place that covers rights and choices.
  • Advocacy is provided for people with no family or friends.- The provider undertakes citizen quality surveys or similar.
  • Support plan and daily records show how young peoples choices & preferences will be met, and when and how this was discussed with young people.
  • Where young peoples choices & preferences can’t be met the support plan explains why, and what alternative options have been discussed with citizen/family/advocate
  • We clearly document young peoples feedback (through meetings, questionnaires, surveys and interviews) and how we act upon this to improve the service
  • Records of consent are kept and updated regularly.

The service receives very high levels of outcome delivery approvals over a prolonged period from social workers during individual case reviews
The service finds innovative and creative ways to enable people to be empowered and voice their opinions.
Care plans detail who key worker or main contact is and how to get hold of them
Up to date service user guide has been given to the service user.
System in place or communication alerting the service user as to how they can contact their care provider.

We can help nurture your most vulnerable pupils to better outcomes

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